mardi 18 mars 2008

Sondage d'opinions (texte en anglais)

FORM OF OUTSOURCING POLITICS WITH ARMED FORCES (POLITIQUE D’EXTERNISATION ET LES FORCES ARMEES) A/ Have you ever heard about private armed companies? YES - NO If yes, in which way? - TV - Internet - Newspaper - Books - Friends - Office - Home - Street - Abroad (In which Country?) B/ Would you consider a private security group as a contractor armed companies? YES - NO C/ Why? (Indicate your own reasons) D/ Choose between the following words those you’re familiar with or those you know - Contractor - Body guard - Mercenary - Dreadfull ( new dogs) - Outsourcing E/ Is the security better assured by : the State or the citizens? F/ Who do you think has the right to have an arm in the community (put your answers in a case)? - Policeman - Soldier - Guard - Everybody - Vigilante - Group of persons - Man having duties - Civilian G/ Indicate the private companies you have heard about (different answers are possible and make case). - MPRI - DYNCORP - BLACKWATER - SAIC - GROUPE EHC -VINNELL - ERINYS - SANDLINE INTERNATIONAL - KBR - TITAN CORPORATION - RONIN SECURITY GROUP - ARMOR GROUP - CACI - SECOPEX - AYR GROUP - DYNSEC GROUP AB - GE2B ? H/ Do you think Security and defense can be delegable? YES – NO - YES + NO (pond rated answer) I/ Do you think mercenary activities are the solution for a weak military State? J/ Do you think armed conflicts are the source of (put your answer in a case- different answers are possible): Poverty Enrichment? K/ Do you think the following expressions are easily understandable? · Prevention of risks ---------------------------------------------------- YES – NO · Working in dangerous areas----------------------------------------- YES – NO · Escort of humanitarian assistance--------------------------------- YES – NO · Management of crisis-------------------------------------------------- YES – NO Country/Provinces/ Departments/ Cities: Direction/Service of….. …………., …./…/… Stamp NB: Do not write anything in the case first (case of “enquête n°) and please indicate the institution that has fill this form. Please, do not reveal your identity. RETURN to CECOJI/CNRS - HOTEL AUBARET: 15, Rue SAINTE-OPPORTUNE 86000 POITIERS – tel. 05 49 36 64 40 – fax : 05 49 36 64 59 - http : //

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